Jewish War Veterans
of the United States of America
Department of Michigan ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
Jewish War Veterans of the USA (JWV), chartered in 1896, is the oldest active Veterans Service Organization in the United States. Nationally, JWV is involved in a yearly "March on the Hill" to talk to our Legislators to make sure they know our organization's stand on funding, services, and benefits for all veterans.
JWV Department of Michigan was chartered in July, 1940, and currently consists of Posts 135 (Zussman), 474 (Bale), and 510 (Shapiro-Rose). Our Department helps Veterans through advocacy for better clinics, hospitals, Veterans homes, and Michigan Veteran-friendly legislation. We volunteer at Veterans facilities, support local Veteran activities, and help maintain Veteran plots in local Jewish cemeteries.
Perhaps our most important activity is educating the general community about contributions of Jews to the U.S. military services. We participate in parades and other events to continually remind people that Jews serve this country, and that some of us have also paid the ultimate price.
In Michigan, we are a Jewish Voice for Veterans, a Veteran's Voice for Jews.
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Jewish War Veterans of the USA Department of Michigan is a member of the Michigan Commanders Group, a lobbying organization for Veteran causes within the State of Michigan. Click here to see their top State of Michigan legislative issues & to email your legislators.
Jewish War Veterans of the USA Department of Michigan is a 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization
following the rules of war veteran organizations as defined by IRC 170 (c)(3)